AI Monday®

Why sustainability makes the difference in being successful with AI products

— AI and Industry 4.0 – NRW – 13/07/2022
| June 13, 2022
Many AI projects fail due to long-onboarding time, enormous costs due to hardware-intensive trainings that will be repeated for every new use case and customer. In his talk, Gregor will explain elevait’s approach to provide AI software products that are generically usable for multiple use cases and customers to ensure cost- and time-efficient solutions for small- or medium-sized enterprises. Interestingly, the combination of ecological and economic sustainability is the key to success. Gregor Blichmann is the chief technology officer of elevait GmbH & Co. KG. In his daily work, he is consistently engaged in driving elevait’s vision of a sustainable AI product suite. By applying a holistic approach that covers the AI and the software parts equally, elevait’s AI products can be used by their customers out of the box. Starting as one of the first software developers, he is now coordinating the development unit, which has grown to eight highly diverse and self-managed scrum teams. Sandy Csisko has been working for many years on how companies can process their business processes digitally in a simpler and more meaningful way. Effectiveness and time savings are the most important points in process optimization. Too often she has been annoyed by unnecessarily complicated and analog processes in her everyday life. The fascination, especially for the processing of monotonous tasks by an artificial intelligence, brought Sandy after 3 stations of other SaaS solutions in the area of digitalization of business processes to elevait GmbH & Co. KG

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