AI Monday®

Essi Pöyry

Senior Researcher
— University of Helsinki
Essi Pöyry, PhD, works as a senior researcher at the Centre for Consumer Society Research in University of Helsinki. She holds the title of docent in marketing. Her research is concentrated on examining the impact of social media on consumer society, exploring how consumers are shaped by social media and its diverse actors. She has published extensively in international academic publications in the fields of marketing, communications and business. She comments her research topics regularly in the media; In addition to Finnish media outlets, she has been quoted in Svenska Dagbladet, Le Monde, and Bloomberg News, for example. Currently, she acts as the Principal Investigator of research projects concerning social media influencing and social media data collection.
January 15, 2024
"AI & Social Influencing"
Essi Pöyry
Social Media Influencers - How AI-Based Recommendation Systems Disrupt Audience-Influencer Relations
January 15, 2024
"AI & Social Influencing"
Mikko Alasaarela, Aleksi Knuutila, Saara Hyvönen, Essi Pöyry
Panel Discussion

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