How are companies becoming more resilient through AI

Events | AI Monday

What can you expect? Inspiring keynotes Hear from leading AI industry experts and successful entrepreneurs on how AI technologies can help organizations become more resilient and adaptable. Interactive panels: Engage with AI specialists and industry insiders in roundtable discussions. Bring your questions and discuss the opportunities and challenges of AI for business resilience.   Networking […]

AI & Social Influencing

allesdann_Tech-Powered_Influence_event_blending_AI_and_social_i_d3e92885-5cff-4998-b5bc-924389c204e3 2-min-min (1) The discussions focused on how AI algorithms are utilized on social media platforms, their influence in elections, responsible AI practices, and the impact of AI-based recommendation systems on social media influencers and audience relationships. The event was hosted by Petri Malmelin, Co-Founder at Ämplify, and featured keynotes from Mikko Alasaarela, Impact Entrepreneur at Equel […]

AI in Industry

AI Monday Helsinki 27.11.23 We had a fantastic turnout of attendance, with 292 tuning into the livestream and 62 present at the location. With moderator Petri Malmelin guiding the show, the event was a successful discussion of topics surrounding artificial intelligence in the pharmaceutical industry, manufacturing industry, and overall adaptation of AI in different industries, highlighting the ways […]

Unleashing the Future: KI-Lösungen von Integration bis Workflow

AI Monday Dresden

Am 06. November 2023 laden wir euch herzlich zu einem bisher einzigartigen Event ein: Work (R)evolution meets AI Monday: Unsere Arbeit in 2030 – powered by AI? In Zusammenarbeit mit unserem Kooperationspartner Zukunftszentrum Sachsen öffnen wir die Türen der Impact Hub Galerie Dresden für einen Tag voller Innovation und Inspiration. Am Nachmittag findet der Workshop des Zukunftszentrum statt und nimmt uns mit in die Zukunft der Arbeit 2030. Mit dem AI Monday geht es dann ab 17 Uhr weiter: Unleashing the Future – KI Lösungen von Integration bis Workflow 🚀

AI sinnvoll und ethisch nutzen: Von AI Literacy bis zur konkreten Business-Anwendung

AIM Event Image

AI Monday in Wien: Künstliche Intelligenz, Menschen und die neuen Chancen, Probleme zu lösen Datenkompetenz und der immer öfter notwendige Schritt über diese professionelle “Data Literacy” hinaus wurde gleich zu Beginn des ersten AI Monday in Wien als “Lernreise” beschrieben, bei der es für jeden kein „Ausgelernt!” geben kann. Denn auch im Zeitalter der Künstlichen […]

Auf dem Weg zur autonomen Produktion: Implikationen für die gesamte Organisation

AI Monday Munich 1

(Left to right): Michael Breidenbrücker, Ted Krubasik, Stephan Hazzam, Dirk Hofmann On Monday night, representatives of cross-sector institutions and companies came together at digital expert Ray Sono as part of the renowned AI networking event series by DAIN Studios to exchange ideas about common applications and future potentials of artificial intelligence in production, under the […]

Generative AI and the art of storytelling: What does it mean for the media?

AI Monday Helsinki: Generative AI

“Interesting time”   The gathering began with some introductory words by Hugo Gävert.  With 15 years experience in data science across various sectors, Hugo is Chief Data and AI Officer at DAIN Studios. He works directly with business leaders—helping them maximize the potential of data and AI.   At the outset of his talk, Hugo […]

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