AI Monday®

Dirk Hofmann

Co-Founder and CEO
— DAIN Studios Germany
Dirk Hofmann focuses on data and AI strategy. He develops data-driven business models, data ecosystems, and AI-based services. DAIN Studios is a data and AI consultancy that maximizes business impact—protecting the individual rights of consumers too.
July 22, 2019
"AI Monday - Stuttgart - 22/07/2019"
Dirk Hofmann
Walk the Talk - How to Implement Your AI Strategy Successfully
December 10, 2018
"AI Monday - Berlin - 10/12/2018"
Dirk Hofmann
The Journey your company needs to go through to make AI and data work for you
July 3, 2023
"Auf dem Weg zur autonomen Produktion: Implikationen für die gesamte Organisation"
Dirk Hofmann, Ted Krubasik, Stephan Hazzam, Michael Breidenbrücker, Sebastian Krüger
Panel Discussion
July 3, 2023
"Auf dem Weg zur autonomen Produktion: Implikationen für die gesamte Organisation"
Sebastian Krüger, Dirk Hofmann
Introduction and Welcome
May 22, 2023
"Let's Talk Money: How to Deliver Business Value with AI"
Dirk Hofmann, Andreas Mazat, Andreas Leder
Panel Discussion Led by Dirk Hofmann

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