AI Monday®

AI Monday®

Since autumn 2018 these #aimonday events take place in Berlin. This is only natural as a Start-up capital and with 54% of all German AI companies the fourth largest global AI hub. The last AI Monday Berlin explored how AI will impact and change the production of our food. The next AI Monday will be announced here soon.

Featured Event

AI for sustainable fashion

Jul 1, 2024

Who joins us?

We unite the AI Community

We connect science, business, art and civil society. Our participants include AI enthusiasts, leading scientists, disruptive start-ups and global business leaders.

When & where?

Mondays. After work.

Our events usually start around 5–6pm. Always at a new exciting venue.

We're curious

Free thinking fuels our success

No consulting talks. No sales pitches.

The Organizer

Head of Communications
DFKI Berlin
AI Innovation Manager
Berlin Partner
KI Community builder & Event Manager for AI Startups
K.I.E.Z. – the Artificial Intelligence Entrepreneurship Center

Our Partners

VORN – The Berlin Fashion Hub
Retail Garage
Berlin Partner
DFKI Berlin

Join the AI community