AI Monday – Stuttgart – 07/10/2019

AI Monday, Oct 7, 2019

On Monday, Oct 7th Porsche AG and Taival welcomed again more than 100 AI enthusiasts from the area of Stuttgart into the Porsche Digital Foundry in Ludwigsburg.We had 4 incredible speakers again: Kai Gotthardt, Product Owner LEAD.AI & Head of Portfolio Strategy at DB Systel GmbH (part of Deutsche Bahn Group), opened up the evening. He and his team are helping to transform a >180 years old business into a digital business with the help of AI. He gave insight into DB Systel’s AI strategy, showed use case examples, and gave an outlook for the upcoming challenges regarding the establishment of an AI platform.Gianmaria Leo, Senior Operations Research Engineer at IBM Analytics Data Science Elite went through some impressive use cases using the IBM Watson platform, e.g. Electric Power production can be improved by AI driven prediction, how airline company can massively reduce the cost of late customers or customer services operations reduce operational cost and improve SLAs.He was followed by Christoph Amma, Founder & MD at Kinemic GmbH, who talked about how to understand human motion and improve the way of interaction between people and Technology. He gave example use-cases from gesture control, verification of working tasks and a pen that can track what is written by the pens movements. On top many insights into the technical challenges and how they can be tackled with AI methods.Furthermore, we had Robert Weißgraeber, MD & CTO at AX Semantics. He showed that, although highly used, Natural Language Generation is still a largely unsolved AI problem. But when it’s done well, we cannot recognize which text is produced by humans or robots.

The talks

Gianmaria Leo
Making AI and Machine Learning happen inside the Enterprise
Kai Gotthardt
Transforming more than 180 years of steel into a digital business with the help of AI
Christoph Amma
Understanding human motion – How to improve the way we interact with technology
Robert Weißgraeber
Natural Language Generation: Hard Tech Problems and the state of the art

The speakers

Founder & MD
Kinemic GmbH
Product Owner Lead AI & Head of Portfolio Strategy
DB Systel GmbH
Senior Operations Research Engineer
IBM Analytics Data Science Elite
AX Semantics


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