AI Monday – 17/06/2019 – Berlin

AI Monday, Jun 17, 2019

Our 8th AI Monday Berlin on June 17 was part of the 2019 Berlin BuzzWords Conference in the Kulturbrauerei. The evening was opened up by Ahmed Kamal giving us a deep dive on how Careem, one of the leading mobility companies in the Middle East, develops ML models, their challenges and how their platform Yoda solves those. Calvin Seward from Zalando talked about Security and Risks in an AI-driven environment. Very emotional as well to see how AI is misused already today to abuse human rights. The third talk by Andreas Schindler, co-founder of Deep Neuron Labs, gave us insights into how to approach Machine Learning projects and what to consider before. The evening was closed by Felix Biessmann, from Amazon Research, who talked about handle data quality in ML production systems.

The talks

Calvin Seward
Security and Risks in an AI-driven environment
Andreas Schindler
Real life business problems to solve with ML – the good, the bad and the ugly
Felix Biessmann
Handle data quality in ML production system
Ahmed Kamal
Scaling Machine Learning @ Careem

The speakers

Professor for Machine Learning
Bleuth University
Machine Learning Platform Lead
CEO & Founder
Deep Neuron Lab
Research Scientist PhD


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