Rahel Flechtner

Rahel Flechtner

— DFKI & Interaction Design Lab, FH Potsdam
As an industrial and interaction designer, Rahel’s professional enthusiasm lies in the creative tension between the physical and the digital. Since 2013 she has worked for different design studios and research institutions, such as the Design Research Lab, where she worked on interactive surfaces and new ways of human-machine collaboration. In 2019, she joined the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and got fascinated by the question of how AI can influence human-computer interaction and Design. Currently, she is working at the “Interaction Design Lab” at the FH Potsdam, where she is researching the potential of technologies such as virtual reality and AI for people affected by social anxiety disorders. In October 2022, she will join the HfG schwäbisch Gmünd as a guest professor for creative AI and Design.

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