Unlocking the Future with AI Agents

Unlocking the Future with AI Agents | AI Monday

Key takeaways Hugo Gävert, Chief Data and AI Officer at DAIN Studios, explained how AI Agents streamline workflows, conduct market research, and enhance decision-making. He highlighted the need for governance and human oversight to ensure trust and compliance. Harri Valpola, CEO of System 2 AI, discussed the evolution of AI from imitation-based models to reasoning-driven […]

Learning AI

Learning AI | AI Monday

VILLE VALTONEN – LEARNING AI WHILE WORKING FULL TIME Ville Valtonen from MinnaLearn shared his journey in revolutionizing AI education with the award-winning Elements of AI course. He emphasized the challenges of balancing learning and work, introducing MinnaLearn’s flipped classroom approach that combines independent study with collaborative workshops. Ville showcased real-world examples of AI-powered prototypes […]

AI, data, and regulations

AI, data, and regulations | AI Monday

Pauliina Vilponen and Emma Swahne – Legal Perspectives on the EU AI Act and Data Act Legal experts from Roschier, Pauliina Vilponen and Emma Swahne, provided a comprehensive overview of the EU AI Act. They explained how the Act establishes a framework for regulating AI within the EU to balance innovation and public interest. Key […]

AI in Finland 

AI in Finland  | AI Monday

The event featured key insights from industry leaders: Reidar Wasenius, Lexofon: Introduced Lexofon’s groundbreaking AI-powered, licensed professional voices, offering recognizable, high-quality voice options across various genres and styles. These voices, based on talents from radio and film, provide businesses with faster and more flexible solutions for voice integration. Toni Keskinen, 180ops: Presented 180ops, an AI-powered […]

KI, HR und Transformation: Was bedeutet das für den Menschen in der Organisation?

KI, HR und Transformation: Was bedeutet das für den Menschen in der Organisation? | AI Monday

Der nächste AI Monday in Heidelberg-Mannheim widmet sich dem hochaktuellen Thema: “KI, HR und Transformation: Was bedeutet das für den Menschen in der Organisation?” Im Mittelpunkt stehen die tiefgreifenden Veränderungen, die Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und andere Technologien in der Arbeitswelt bewirken – und wie diese den menschlichen Aspekt in Organisationen neu definieren. Laut dem Future […]

Mit KI geschützt, nicht überlistet – Sicherheit mit Augenmaß

Mit KI geschützt, nicht überlistet – Sicherheit mit Augenmaß | AI Monday

AI Monday drehte sich um das Thema “Mit KI geschützt, nicht überlistet – Sicherheit mit Augenmaß”. Experten diskutierten über die Entwicklung der KI im Bereich Cybersicherheit, regulatorische Anforderungen und die Integration von KI in verschiedenen Bereichen.   Referenten: •Martin Schöpper (stellv. CISO, BASF) •Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Ruskowski (TU Kaiserslautern, DFKI) •Karsten Hellinger (CEO & Gründer, […]

AI Monday Berlin – career paths in AI: researcher, founder, or both?

AI Monday Berlin, Mai 13, 2024

Meet our event partners AI Grid is an initiative that aims to strengthen synergies and collaboration between young talents in the field of artificial intelligence. We connect committed Master and PhD students with new ideas in a valuable network and provide them with mentoring and introductions to renowned international AI experts from academia and industry. […]

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